Wake Up!

In one paragraph fewer than 200 words, tell us how you make sure you’re not sleeping and win a $50 gift card from Target.

S Sexually Active with more than one partner at the same time while not using protection? YesNo
L Living in an emotionally and physically unhealthy environment that can make you cry, feel unsafe, or have low self esteem? YesNo
E Eating unhealthy foods that are not part of a good diet and can make you sick? YesNo
E Engaged in unsafe and unhealthy behaviors like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or using street drugs? YesNo
P Peering with negative role models or negative friends who do not allow you to become the best person you can become? YesNo
I Indecisive about your passion in life? YesNo
N Not sure about the contributions you have the potential to make for yourself and others around you? YesNo
G Giving up on your dreams because those around you without dreams of their own do not seem to support you? -Don’t follow along with the crowd! YesNo


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